The Ted
Toy-lers began toy production in 1925 in New Bedford, Massachusetts. The company's founder and chief
designer was Edwin V. Babbitt of Fairhaven, Massachusetts.
The Ted Toy-lers reached its peak
in about 1928 shipping more than 50,000 toys a week all over the
In July of 1927, The Ted Toy-lers merged with National Wood Process
company and named the new company International Toy Company. The National Wood
Process company had been formed by The Ted Toy-lers a year earlier in
Farmington, Maine near their wood supply, to make the turned wooden component
parts for their toys. Labels were changed to add International Toy
Company. Sometime in 1930, The Ted Toy-lers
ceased operations and Edwin V. Babbitt started a new toy company making
doll houses.
Their toys were of the
highest quality, made of birch wood from around Farmington, Maine by
their subsidiary company, National Wood Process Division, and painted with a
durable lacquer. Springs or wires,
not rubber cords, ran through the beaded
toys introduced in 1927. Their pull toys were quite complex -
their Marching Squad, illustrated below, was made from over 150 parts!
Early toys used cords for arms and legs that flopped
around. In 1927 they introduced toys with beaded arms and legs and they
introduced their giant line.
In later years, profit margins obviously were being squeezed
and attempts were made to lower production costs by reducing parts. Oil cloth
belts and hat plumes, for example, were replaced with painted
representations. Smaller versions of
some of the best selling toys were made.
I have transcribed several newspaper articles from the
Sunday Standard Times of New Bedford. Click on the bar to view these articles.