Wilson Walkies

This "Collector’s Guide to Wilson Walkies" contains 60 pages
of full
color photos and information on Wilson Walkies.
The Guide contains an enjoyable and very thorough discussion of the
history of Wilson Walkies in the US and Canada.
It contains detailed information on the structure of these dolls and
gives a method of dating them based on their foot marking and leg
A copy of the original U. S. patent is included.
All known Wilson Walkies are pictured. There are many, many photos!!
Learn how to tell a genuine Wilson Walkie from a re-created or altered
The Guide is 8 ˝ by 11 and is printed on a color laser printer. It is
loose leaf in a sturdy binder with acetate cover.
This Guide is a must for collectors. It is “everything you ever wanted
to know about Wilson Walkies” and more!
Comments from some collectors who bought this book:
"Great book, well written, fine photos, fun to read."
"Wonderful book, excellent service, very satisfied. "
"The Book is Great! Such a lot of information!"
"Mary has published a 62 Page book with over 400 photos of these
cut little wooden ramp walkers. Her book gets a 5 star rating as
it has all the current information accumulated about vintage wooden ramp
I sell the book for $24.99 plus $4.99 s&h for a total of $29.98.
My address is:
Mary Grishaver
4424 Lahinch Lane
Santa Rosa CA 95403