Photographic Services

If you need your collection professionally photographed for any reason, contact me. I can travel to your location.
Contact me at: for details.
Sample Photos
Below are samples of photos I have taken in both private and public collections.

A portrait of a Schoenhut doll in the 
collection of Susan Turner.

This bizarre automaton was taken in the 
Strong National Museum of Play.

The fabulous Schoenhut Teddy Roosevelt collection of Judith Lile.

Sometimes photographs have to be processed to achieve the right look. This picture of Judith Lile's Schoenhut Alpine Mountain had to be photographed in front of a bright window. I removed the window in Photoshop.

This great Converse tin and wood dreadnaught was photographed at the Strong National Museum of Play.

I huge 19th century locomotive engine ride-on toy by an unknown maker from the Strong National Museum of Play.

The all metal Humpy Dumpty bank from the Strong National Museum of Play.

The tin Ring-a-Ling circus by Marx from the
Strong National Museum of Play.

The giraffe cage wagon iron toy by Hubley from the Strong National Museum of Play.

An all wood, German Noah's ark. A photograph like this one requires very good lighting sources and a camera that can achieve a large focus range.