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Mengel Playthings

Mengel Playthings Co. - Little is known about the Mengel Playthings Company. They made a variety of wooden toys in the 1920s in Louisville, Kentucky. Their Elephant logo is distinctive on most of their toys. Their Motor Boat must have been a best seller as they come to market once or twice a year. Their other toys are much rarer.

A 1924 ad


Another 1924 ad


The Mengel motor boat comes to auction from time to time and gets a good price. Very pretty mahogany wood hull. It is motivated by a windup motor.


Swans Glider
A beautiful child's swans  glider or rocker.

Photos courtesy of Suzie Preuss


Trail-O-Wag Wagon


Max rides his Mengel rocker.

Photo courtesy of Peter Thompson




A Mengel Shoo-Fly